Efficient quick valve for modern commercial fridges and freezers
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Efficient quick valve for modern commercial fridges and freezers

As a manufacturer of commercial refrigerator and freezer food units for wholesale markets, food retailers and various production facilities, you are aware of the many challenges involved in this sophisticated manufacturing.
That's why Cold Solutions and Hcool Fittings have developed and manufactured our own self-closing companion valves for commercial refrigeration cabinets using HFC, PFC and hydrocarbons as refrigerants. 
The use of these special companion valves offers your company and your customers several advantages.
Efficient quick valve for modern commercial fridges and freezers
Efficient quick valve for modern commercial fridges and freezers
Efficient quick valve for modern commercial fridges and freezers
Efficient quick valve for modern commercial fridges and freezers
Efficient quick valve for modern commercial fridges and freezers
Efficient quick valve for modern commercial fridges and freezers
  • HCP-GIII38


  • 8481901000


Description of Efficient quick valve for modern commercial fridges and freezers:

Advantages of the “Plug-n-Cool“ companion valves:

When using the self-closing companion valves, defective components can easily be replaced during ongoing operations. This provides great added value for users, as there is minimal interruption to operations.

The refrigeration circuit is never opened during a replacement, it is only separated. This means that no refrigerant needs to be extracted and refilled going to great expense. Extracting always entails polluting the environment.

With Efficient quick valve for modern commercial fridges and freezers' self-closing valves, both sides of the self-closing stop valves can be closed and only then can the defective components connected in between be replaced.

This translates into efficient, safe and environmentally friendly use and handling of refrigerants.

These certified fittings can be used with all types of refrigerants, including hydrocarbons. The quality of the fittings is carefully monitored on an ongoing basis by internal tests and external service providers.

And most importantly, GIII companion valves also have extremely low leakage rates and a high level of reliability.

For you as a manufacturer of commercial refrigerator and freezer units, the use of  Plug-n-Cool companion valves gives you added value and a competitive edge, as your customers benefit from the most up-to-date solutions available.

Product Characteristics

1. self-closing valve

2. Brass material

3. 100% leakage testing

Data Sheet:

Materil: Brass

Seal ring: CR, HNBR, FKM

Process: Hot Punch/ CNC

Connection method:  Welding

Type of refrigerant: HFC, PFC and Hydrocarbons


Our service: We can be designed and produced according to our customer specifications.


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Ningbo Hcool Fittings Co., Ltd./Ningbo Tophcool Metal Fittings as a professional China brass fittings manufactuers on different industrial fields,such as brass valve, OEM HVAC fittings.

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